Ruslan in Slavery – Part I

Ruslan proved himself to be an obedient slave, able to endure pain. For these qualities, the Master left him in slavery. Now he is waiting for constant sessions of training and punishment. And of course he is no longer allowed to wear clothes.

15-minutes 4K video with Ruslan doing a physical training in full nudity restrained by the chainces and forced by the canes.

Price $9.00, click “VIEW PRODUCT” to buy the video


Gymnast Anton – 3 Years in Slavery – Final Part

Finally the regular torture session has ended for Anton. But this session was really outstanding and uncommon for him. Last year of his 3 in slavery Anton thought that the Master have forgotten about him. But the last three days of pain forced Anton to think again about his fate and the years of suffering ahead.

Price $12,00, click “VIEW PRODUCT” to buy the video


Gymnast Anton in Slavery – Part I

By the order of Grand Master Anton was left in slavery. After hours on the cross he don’t have another choice than to be a slave and obediently taking commands from the Overseers. Of course, nobody wants to be punished and tortured every day, but there are the orders that could be so humiliating that a straight young man would never obey them…

Price $5,00, click “VIEW PRODUCT” to buy the video


Prequel Story of Guard Arkadiy-Dima – Part II

In our torture list there are not only tortures but also physical endurance training methods. But all of them deals with real pain that prisoner must endure. This time we started with static exercises like L-sit and continued with the wrists suspension and hard flogging.

Previous videos with Arkadiy can be found here.

A little spoiler: Arkadiy after that became the Guard of two Masters – also at under the name Dima.

Price $12.00, click “VIEW PRODUCT” to buy the video


Officer Oleg in Slavery – Part I

After imprisonment we decided to leave Officer Oleg in slavery. But Oleg’s body needs to be constantly maintained in perfect shape. For this purpose Master ellaborated a List of exercises. This time Master hired Vladimir to train Oleg. Of course, no mater whether Oleg be good or bad in workout, Master already has plans on his further punishments.

Price $10.00, click “VIEW PRODUCT” to buy the video


You may also would like to see the videos below, where Vladimir is tortured.

Rinat in Slavery – Part I

Since Rinat cannot pay on his debts, he is kept in slavery. This is the only benefit he can yield at the moment and we will make the most of it. Firstly, Rinat is not allowed to wear clothes anymore. Secondly, physical trainings and corporal punishments will be the daily routine for Rinat. And the last but not the least, he will be the favorite pony for our Guards.

Price $5.00, click “VIEW PRODUCT” to buy the video


Recruitment of the Trainer – Part II

Last night Vitaly spent being chained to the post without water. In the morning the Guard came and brought some water to him. But even drinking must be a humiliative procedure for the slaves. After this Vitaly agreed to obey the Guard but a little bit later again started to show his rebellious nature…

Price $5.00, click “VIEW PRODUCT” to buy the video